
I'm thankful for ... dad bloggers

Our regular programming will return next Monday. This week I reflect on things I'm thankful for. 

To all my fellow dad blogger/vloggers/male identifying influencers ... basically, anyone in the Dad Bloggers Facebook group that Oren started, thank you, guys. You have been an inspiration to me to work harder, even when I haven't felt like it. You have been a bar I strive to reach for. You guys have hooked me up with great contacts that have helped me do awesome things. You guys (well two of you) have an awesome podcast that I really really like and speaks to me on a professional and personal way (I'm sure others of you have podcasts too but I don't listen to them). 

I also want to thank you guys for not being competitors but for being a real community. A community that is there for each other, like you guys were there for me when I needed it. 

Our time has not come yet. But we are ready at that door to smash it down ... together.

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