
I'm thankful for ... brands

Our regular programming will return next Monday. This week I reflect on things I'm thankful for. 

Yes, I am so clever I am being thankful for brands here on Black Friday. But without all the brands I have had the honor of working with during this past year, I don't know where my brand is. Thank you for sending me checks, but also thank you for helping me do fun things with my kids and sometimes leaving my comfort zone. I won't list them all but know that I am humbled that both major national brands and local businesses have chosen to work with me. I hope that I can continue to work with you and other brands in the future.

What is great about working with brands is they are becoming more and more receptive to a dad's point of view. And while I am more than happy to write straight from the brand bible, I really like being able to weave a brand's message into a story I want to tell. So thanks for allowing me to make sponsored content actually readable.

1 comment:

Jaxon Oakley said...

I like your thoughts due to your skills.