Daniel Murphy
Eleven months ago Mets second baseman Daniel Murphy was being lauded by many for wanting to be with his wife as their first child was born. He missed opening day and the second game of the season. The Mets didn't miss the playoffs by two games, so it didn't make a difference. But now the perception of him is totally changed.
Former MLB player Billy Bean came to visit the Mets spring training. Bean who came out after he retired, now works for MLB. Murphy made some very controversial remarks about the "gay lifestyle". Murphy is supposedly very religious and used that as an excuse for his bigotry.
Remember in the bible when Jesus said negative things about gays? Yeah me neither.
I will still root for Murphy when he comes to bat for the Mets, I'll cheer when he makes a good play in the field. But I can no longer say "I'm with 28".

Once again we were in a winter storm warning/watch whatever. I said it was way to warm to snow. And overnight was just rain. I looked out the window when I woke up. No snow. But by the time kids were ready to go, there was a storm in full force. I used to like snow. But I'm so sick of this nonsense.
It's gotten so nuts the kids school actually had to post that they are open today.
Oren Miller- #dads4oren
As I posted here before Dad blogging pioneer Oren Miller had passed last week. And the dad community took to Twitter with tributes to our friend. And then we tried to get his name trending on Twitter and for hours we posted, Favorited, tweeted and re-tweeted. Low and behold #dads4oren was the number four trending item on Twitter just ahead of some Justin Bieber thing.

It just shows the power of people when you get them together. Now the dads are trying to get Amazon to change Amazon Mom to Amazon Family. It's making some traction. A lot of people are signing the petition, hopefully it makes a difference. Moms and Dads (in every combination and solo) should be equal partners in parenting (if you are not being an equal partner in raising your kids shame on you).
Ronda Rousey
I am not a huge MMA fan. But I watched Ronda Rousey's latest match. And wow was I blown away. She is so fast, and strong, it didn't seem fair. She seemed to exert more effort walking to the octagon, than in disposing her opponent. I watched a bunch of her other matches and while not at quick, she was equally as dominating.
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