
Let It Go always makes me cry.

The other day one of Nugget's friends was in the car with us. She normally goes to "after school" but the girls were invited to a birthday party for one of their classmates. So she came home with us, had a snack and I took them to the party.

Being so awesome, and totally in tuned with what 6 and 7 year old girls like, I turned on the Frozen soundtrack. And soon, as we approached the house where the party was taking place, "Let it Go" comes on and on top of Idina Manzel's voice I hear two little voices belting out the anthem of their generation. And I realized that I was tearing up a little bit. It wasn't the first time.

Yes that song is really nice. But I think every time I hear it, all I think about is one day, probably too soon Nugget won't be that little girl with sticky fingers who loves princesses. She will have outgrown all her costume princess dresses. She'll be too cool for all of that.

I think to the future where she could share Frozen and those songs with her children. And tell them about when that was her favorite movie and favorite song. So I tear up thinking about the future when things are complicated.

I tear up thinking about the "perfect girl" she has to be, even in her very uncomplicated world. So Nugget wear your Elsa or Anna dress (particularly the Elsa one you have no idea how hard we looked for that one) whenever you want. I'm cool with it. We can have another Frozen themed birthday party. And when we drive around and "Let It Go" comes on the radio, it was just some dust got in my eye. That's all.

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