The first tangible thing I was going to change was number 2 on their list.
2. They don'tstart their days without plans. Successful people know that in order to stay on top of work and become successful, they need to be disciplined and be smart with how theymanage their time. In order to do this, theyplan their days ahead, putting together a to-do list at the start of the day -- what needs to be done and in what order. Not only are they going to make sure that they don't miss out on any important task or meeting, but also optimize their time for the optimalperformance .
The first thing I do whenever I'm trying to re-calibrate myself is start making lists. So I downloaded the DO app for my phone and typed in a plan of things I needed to accomplish today. I put down four things and I'm accomplishing them. I've stuck with three weeks of daily blog posting, it will be officially a habit tomorrow, I am now going to make planning my days a habit too.
Write a blog post - DONE
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