
Happy Birthday Nugget

Something happened to me five years ago. Exactly five years ago I became a dad when Nugget was born. I remember that day as if it were yesterday.

I remember getting the call from Mrs. GMIBP. And even though I knew it could happen at any time I froze up for a second. I told my boss and luckily someone offered me a ride to the train station, since I didn't drive in that day. I called my mom and sent a text out to my closest friends. It was pouring raining. I ended up getting off on the wrong stop of the train and running for blocks and blocks until I could catch a cab.

And an hour or so later I was looking at her. She was absolutely perfect, I still think she should have gotten to the full highest AGPAR score instead of the as close to perfect, but they never give 100%. But I digress. She was so amazing at five minutes old. But each day she amazes me more and more five years later.

Nugget at five loves to laugh, sing and dance. She enjoys fairies, princesses and pirates. She knows her numbers, letters, colors and shapes and always wants to let you know.

She can be moody and likes people to do things for her that she is fully capable of doing herself. She is sweet and can go from serious to on the floor in hysterics in the blink of an eye. I see she isn't that same little girl I carried around everywhere, ok I carry her a bunch still, but not everywhere. She has friends, and is making a life outside of our world.

When I pick her up after school (especially on days where Thor is sleeping in the car) I like to chat her up. Just find out how the day went, who was the special helper and what did she learn. I know I won't always be able to catch her when she leaps off the stairs after school. But as long as she tries so will I.

So even though she can't read this post and doesn't have a ridiculous (which is one her favorite words right now) Facebook vanity page. I want to wish my sweet little nugget the best birthday ever.

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