

I went out to the car to get something and then I see glass all over the seats. Some bitch ass punk broke into my car to steal my GPS.

I don't think they took the power cord for it, good luck with that bitches. So now I have to go get a new window installed.

And all I wanted to do today is say something about me and Kelvin are wearing the same size formal pants. Wow Kelvin has let himself go. Good times.


Niel said...

UPDATE: They did take the power cord, they also got my cell phone charger. Sweet now I need a new power cord as well. The new glass should be here in an hour and a half and isn't too pricy. But it severly cuts into my wii fund. I'll have to save up a little to replace it. But a pasanger window is way more needed than a video game system.

Niel said...

Update: My gloves are gone as well. It is cold, so I hope they warm the hands of the GPS theives. How much do they really think they can get for that GPS? It wasn't expensive to start with. Had they stolen a GPS three years ago when they were all over $300 that makes sense, but you can get a GPS for pretty cheap these days.

Niel said...

What is really sad was I was trying to look as sloppy as I could when I went to the glass place. All I know about dealing with car/repair people is from the Cosby show. The blackberry stayed inside a pocket until after I got a price.

Mike said...

Did Gilbert Godfrey walk in and yell "Dr. Vuolo, what are you doing here?"

It's a good thing you weren't wearing your gold fronts and your solid gold N belt buckle :-).

Sorry to hear about the break in. Those types of smash and grab break ins have been a problem at the Metro stations down here. Something crazy like 2500 in a months time.

Mike said...

Oh and regarding the pants, perhaps you and Kelvin should go on Biggest Loser Couples. That would be awesome.

Niel said...

that would be hilarious. Kelvin I belive in you!!

Niel said...

I was wearing a pair of formal pants to work. K was trying on pants at casual male XL for his sisters wedding.

foodiechickie said...

Really yeah we know it was silly to leave the GPS in the car already. Duh.

Mike said...

I have a theory about who broke into your car. I think you got yourself in the middle of the font wars. You post about watching the movie Helvetica and the next day, your car is broken into. Think about it!

Watch your back, this east coast/west coast, Arial/Helvetica stuff can get nasty. You don't want to end up like Biggy or Tupac! THINK ABOUT IT.

Stay away from the Comic Sans Serif people, they're f-ing nuts! THINK ABOUT IT!

Mike said...

The Arial and Helvetica gangs are getting old and soft, they have fundaisers for local kids and do public clean up projects now.

It's those Futura Medium Oblique guys you have to worry about. They have nothing to lose and every reason to kill.